You will be afraid to spend!
...But not as much with a “buffer” asset.
Aug 17, 2022
Suffering large market losses early in retirement can be catastrophic.

You will be afraid to spend!!! (Part 2 of many)
Aug 8, 2022
“Safe withdrawal rate” studies (see part 1) were originally conducted under the assumption that one would need their income to rise with inflation.

You will be afraid to spend!!! (Part 1 of many)
Aug 5, 2022
How much can a retiree safely begin taking out of a volatile investment portfolio and have that portfolio last for 30 years?

Annuitization Today: The Deal of a Lifetime
July 18, 2022
Annuities, in their purest form, guarantee a person income for the rest of their life in exchange for a lump-sum payment...

The Volatility Buffer - Making "Safe" Safer (Part 2 of 2)
April 20, 2022
In my last post titled “A Primer on Safe Withdrawal Rates (Part 1 of 2),” I discussed how level income may be a better match for retiree spending patterns and unlock a lot of value for your clients...

A Primer on Safe Withdrawal Rates (Part 1 of 2)
April 6, 2022
Retirement income planning is a relatively new field. Historically, workers would go to work for a company that offer a pension in return for years of service...